New Delhi, June 10, 2020: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is losing his patience with a certain brand of customers.
One of the world’s richest men took to Instagram to share an expletive-ridden email for his support to the Black Lives Matter protests that have rocked the USA.
The email sender named Dave threatened Bezos that he won’t order anything from Amazon. He said:
“You are a perfect a** ***e….I was placing an order with your company when I discovered your statement of support for Black Lives Matter… I cancelled my order and I know for a fact I won’t be the only one.”
Worse still the man used the derogatory ‘N’ word in his email that shows his racist temper.
But unlike the usual Customer is Always Right nature of the E-Commerce, Bezos said that he for once would be happy to lose this sort of a customer.
Jeff Bezos said:
There have been a number of sickening but not surprising responses in my inbox since my last post. This sort of hate shouldn’t be allowed to hide in the shadows. It’s important to make it visible. This is just one example of the problem.
And, Dave, you’re the kind of customer I’m happy to lose.
So it is bye-bye Dave from Bezos at least.
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