Golden feather does exist to some extent in the mortal realm as some yellow feathers do appear like golden to some. However, one must probe deep to know whether the feather spotted is yellow or golden especially when seen in the dream stage. I have mentioned that some seekers do see feathers in the dream […]
Tag: leadership
Angel Number 00 meaning: You will be a leader soon!
Angel Number 00 is the sign of uniting with the divine and accepting own self and own power. Angel Number 00 is the sign of intuition, love for the Supreme Soul, Clairvoyance, and of many spiritual powers coming into a person’s life due to sheer soul-level connection with the Supreme Soul whom the Hindus also […]
Python dream meaning: You are a powerful manifester
Did you see a python dream? Incredibly beautiful and powerful, these creatures are super beings of God or the Supreme Soul. They represent potency in general and may appear to tell a person to be a little assertive in their dealings in waking life. Seeing a python dream is a sign to embrace and accept […]
Ghana Hindus organize medical camp
Ghana Hindus came together and organized a medical camp at the Hindu Monastery of Africa, Tema branch, on Sunday 24th June 2018. The camp was free for all patients and a pediatric surgeon and a plastic surgeon supported by one medical assistant and two general nurses were there. Many Ghana nationals came for the check-up. […]