Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have set fire to the social media with their almost identical messages on the Mehendi ceremony while sharing the pics. The star-studded Mehendi saw the attendance of Priyanka Chopra’s sister Parineeti Chopra and also Hollywood actor Sophie Turner who is engaged to Nick Jonas’s brother Joe Jonas. Priyanka Chopra is every […]
Tag: mehendi
Bollywood royalty Sonam Kapoor looks gorgeous in bridal wear!
Sonam Kapoor is getting married and like always, it is a moment to check out her stylish avatar. The Bollywood damsel is joining Delhi-based businessman Anand Ahuja in matrimony that has the nation talking. The Kapoor Khandan girl has the industry thronging to her wedding in big numbers. Known for her stylish outings, Sonam is […]
Christian school in Tamil Nadu fines girl for putting Mehendi, minister vows action
Christian school named Doveton Girl’ & Boys’ Hr.Sec.Schools in Vepery, Chennai recently became a target of controversy after journalist S Gurumurthy angrily tweeted that a girl was fined Rs. 500 for putting Mehendi or henna on her palms. The school posted the charge in the school bill as well prompting an angry response against the lack […]