Indian equity benchmark Nifty 50 has nosedived below the highly-coveted 7000 mark amid a global sell-off and renewed fears over the Indian banking system. Rising bad loans have crippled the banking sector, pushing Nifty down to 6980.95 as of Friday’s close. The benchmark slumped to 6870 at which short-covering emerged, taking the index past 7000 […]
Tag: Stockmarket
IPCA Labs Shrugs Off US FDA Warning, Pares Losses
Ipca Laboratories (NSE: IPCALAB) has shrugged off the US FDA warning issued for three of its manufacturing units. The stock opened higher at Rs 679 but as the warning letter became public knowledge, the stock began a seemingly unending decline before opportunistic buyers stepped in and pared the losses. In a large swing day, the […]
JUST DIAL: A Story Gone Horribly Wrong For Investors
On June 5, 2013, Just Dial (NSE: JUSTDIAL) made its debut on the Indian stock exchanges, surging 19% intraday. The stock listed on the exchange at Rs 590, and went on to hit a high of Rs 1779 in January the following year. Investors rushed to pour money into the then-unstoppable stock which had leading […]