New Delhi, June 23, 2020: An underage Sikh girl named Lachmi Kaur, daughter of Amar Das and resident of Sohni Pur, Tehsil Jhat Pat District Jaffarabad, has been forcibly converted to Islam after found missing by her parents. In the affidavit seen by CurrenTriggers, the says that she is ’19’ and not 16 which her […]
Tag: Sufi pirs
Shiva Temple built by a disabled Hindu man attacked in Pakistan
By Namta Gupta New Delhi, May 12, 2020: A disabled Hindu man named Ghameerio Bheel made a handsome white Temple for his Lord Shiva. The man who cannot walk and lives in meager means used last of his resources to make a small but exceptionally earthy and beautiful Shiva Temple for his community in Chachro, […]
Know the four Pakistani Hindu girls who recently got forcibly converted to Islam
Four Pakistani Hindu girls have been forcibly converted to Islam after abduction, including a 10-year-old child named Chandri Kolhi who was abducted when she was playing right outside her home, from Nasirabad. She has already been married to one Allahdino and there is no hope in sight that she will be recovered despite her parents […]
Pakistani Muslims again rioted against Hindus citing blasphemy, but the conspiracy is deeper than you think
The riots that happened in Ghotki and Mirpur Mathelo and Adilpur of Sindh, against the Pakistani Hindus, is not your everyday riot. A carefully planted blasphemy rumour was put out using a teenager Muslim boy’s Facebook account right after the abduction of a Hindu girl Monika aged around 13. This is the same Monika who […]