Sunil Grover may not come back on Kapil Sharma’s show. A while ago Kapil had tweeted his apology to Sunil Grover saying that he was sorry that he hurt him unintentionally, but Sunil Grover has made it clear that he has been hurt by his arrogance. Paji @WhoSunilGrover sry if I hurt u unintentionally.u knw […]
Tag: Sunil Grover
Kapil Sharma says he had an argument with Sunil Grover
Kapil Sharma is unhappy with the rumours of his fight with fellow comedian Sunil Grover. In a statement, the actor has now opened up on the alleged fight in which he reportedly shouted at Sunil calling him my servant and lambasting him over his not as successful career as him. Kapil Sharma, in the report […]