Thatta, Sindh, was simmering ever since the gangrape video of a 19-year-old Hindu boy surfaced. Half a dozen men, with many, connected to the late Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), gangraped a Hindu boy named Prakash, shot the assault and circulated the video online to further browbeat the survivor’s family. In […]
Tag: Thatta
Pakistan: 250 Hindus convert to Islam in its notorious town
Around 250 Hindus converted to Islam on Saturday in Chohar Jamali area in Sajjawal, Thatta, Pakistan. The ceremony was organised by Muslim businessman Abdul Aziz Memon and has the presence of clerics and powerful politicians of this area. Women too have been converted while construction of mosque and madrassa was also announced. 9-year old Hindu […]