Malaysia: Hindu group offers help to assist non-Hindu man

Hindu Conversion Action Team , Hindraf, Hindus, Buddhists, Malaysia, conversion controversy

Hindu Conversion Action Team has offered to help a man whose identity card states that he is a Muslim.

In a news report by Free Malaysia Today the president of Hindu Conversion Action Team, Arun Doraisamy, said that they have extended their help to the Penang, Malaysia, resident Johann Lim Noordin.

Johann Lim Noordin was born to Buddhist parents but was registered as a Muslim.

The Free Malaysia Today quotes him as saying:

“No religious department in the country has any record of me being a Muslim. I have signed a statutory declaration proclaiming I am not a Muslim. Why am I now told to go to the Shariah Court when I am not a Muslim?”

Earlier, the report that 7000 Hindus were wrongly documented as Muslims had created furore in the nation with Hindu groups worrying about the direction the country is taking.

Malaysia hit by conversion chaos:

In recent times many Temple desecrations and conversions have taken place in the nation which have brought to fore the insecurities of the minorities. Hindraf and many other Hindu groups have raised the voice of Hindu community in the nation.

Hindraf had earliereven requested the Tuanku Raja Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum to stop the Perlis state’s legislative assembly from approving the Islamic Religion Administration Enactment (Amendment) 2016 on unilateral conversion stating that unilateral conversions have brought much direpute to the nation.


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