Chittagong, 17 February, 2016: Perpetrators belonging to the majority community tried to forcefully seize the cremation ground belonging to the Hindu community on Sunday 14th February 2016 and also injured 10 women and children from the minority community who were unable to escape the assault. The incident happened at the Kumira Union of Sitakundo Sub […]
Tag: Hindus
Bangladesh: Hindu man’s beheading highlights minority plight
Dhaka, February 12, 2016: Tarun Dutta (45) a Hindu businessman was brutally beheaded on 8th February 2016 at Golapbag Bazar within Govindagonj Upazila of Gaibandha District in Bangladesh. His beheaded body and head were recovered from a ditch at Bardhankuti area and the man had a hardware business. The beheading is eerily similar to what happens […]
Bangladesh: Hindu community attacked for refusing to sell cigarettes on credit
Dhaka, February 6, 2016: Hindu community in Bangladesh was under attack again as the shopkeeper from the minority community had refused to sell cigarettes on credit. Enraged members from the majority launched an attack on the refusal which resulted in 15 people from the minority community, including women and children, getting severely injured. Three houses, belonging […]