Another American Missionary puts endangered tribe at ‘risk,’ could be tried for Genocide!

After John Chau, another American Missionary has been accused of endangering the lies of a remote tribe. American Missionary, Steve Campbell, a missionary with the Greene Baptist Church in Maine, was stationed in Brazil and is being investigated by FUNAI. FUNAI is a Brazilian governmental institution that protects the remote tribes living in the Amazon. […]

John Allen Chau, American Missionary, Tribe, Christianity, Missionary, Sentinelese , India, John Chau, Christian Missionary murder, Tribal Rights, Intrusion, USA, Andaman and Nicobar, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes

Indian govt forms committee says the Sentinelese tribe more vulnerable than ever

After the death of American Christian Missionary John Chau by the highly vulnerable Sentinelese tribe, the Indian government has finally come into the damage control mode. The government especially Home Ministry led by Rajnath Singh has come under scanner after the vulnerable and isolated Sentinelese tribe had their area intruded upon by the missionary. In a […]