There is a job vacancy in CRPF.
Suitable and willing male and female candidates may WALK-IN INTERVIEW for engagement as Veterinary Doctors in its hospitals on Contractual Basis, on 25/09/17 at 9am.
Venue for the interview: Composite Hospital, CRPF, Talegeon Dabhade, Pune (Maharashtra) 410507
The appointment of Veterinary Doctors is on Contractual Basis for 5th NDRF Pune.
Click here to check out more details.
About the armed force: The Central Reserve Police Force came into existence as Crown Representative’s Police on 27th July 1939. It became the Central Reserve Police Force on enactment of the CRPF Act on 28th December 1949. It has completed 77 years of history.
It is All India in character, both in deployment and in its composition. Due to its unique capability to quickly adapt to various situational requirements, and also, to work in perfect harmony with the State Police, CRPF has, over the years, acquired the distinction of being perhaps the most acceptable Force, by the people and the State administrations.