New Delhi, July 7, 2021: National Film Archive of India (NFAI) has announced a significant addition of the original camera negative of Rajkumar Hirani’s film PK (2014) in its collection. Hirani is one of the major contemporary Indian filmmakers who has carved a niche for himself through his distinct filmography over the years. Rajkumar Hirani today handed over the original camera negative of his 2014 film PK to Director NFAI, Prakash Magdum, in Mumbai.
“It was important to preserve the negative and I am very happy that it would be preserved in NFAI at Pune. It is the duty of a filmmaker to ensure that the films are preserved and I appeal to all filmmakers to support NFAI in this important cause,” said Rajkumar Hirani on the occasion.
Director NFAI, Prakash Magdum, said, “We are happy to continue our association with Mr Hirani as his earlier acclaimed films are also being preserved at NFAI. It is wonderful to add PK in our collection, especially because it was shot on celluloid.” The transition from celluloid to digital in terms of production of films in India happened during 2013-14. Therefore, it is all the more important to have this film for preservation, Magdum added.
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