In a scathing criticism of how the Indian society treats women, actor Anuj Sachdeva lambasted the hypocritical stance the society applies to certain issues.
Itti Si Khushi actor Anuj Sachdeva took to facebook to vent his ire and wrote:
The more I see the things happening in India the more I am convinced that India and Indians are schizophrenic. We are so hypocritical that we will pull down a man like Aamir Khan who had the guts to announce to the world that India is unsafe for women. On the other hand, the same people will watch Dangal and praise his work on how he has empowered women through the film.
Anuj Sachdeva also said that the society needs to take a more intelligent approach towards women rights:
I think we are essentially brainless when it comes to taking a stand for the women in India. And for this we have to blame the male mentality in this country and the patriarchal society which is so prevalent. We are brought up to believe that women should be dressed in a certain way, behave in a certain manner.
Men should expand their thinking, says Anuj Sachdeva:
We, men, can live our lives to our hearts content but we will expect a woman to be a virgin when we marry her. We give lectures on sending girls to school but we cannot take the fact that a woman is doing better than us. We are still determining the sex of the child in this country so that we can abort the girl child. The problem is not the short skirt or the ripped jeans the problem is your limited thinking. The problem is we do not have the guts to fight collectively and proudly say that the women are the pride.
Anuj Sachdeva: Lack of equality a major problem
The problem is not feminism, it is the lack of equality. We blame the cops for the Bangalore incident, but how many of us thought of taking up the responsibility ourselves to fight those evil men? Aamir Khan was always right that India is unsafe. And as long as we as individuals do not respect women or stand for them this country will continue to see another rape, another molestation, another crime! #IWillFight