Bangladesh Minority watch has reported another case that highlights the plight of minorities.
Bithi Debnath (25), a Hindu student of Masters MSS of Public Administration at the University of Shahajalal Science and Technology at Sylhet (2012-13) had been a victim of religious discrimination at the hands of Professor Shamiul Islam after she refused to write on the Thesis paper ” All credit goes to Almighty Allah”.
Prof. Shamiul Islam had put pressure on Bithi Debnath (Hindu learner) to write “Allah” but Bithi wanted to write God instead of Allah which is a secular word for the Almighty.
But Shamiul Islam got angry and threatened her to write Allah as he wanted it. Local newspaper Sabuj Sylhet dated 24th August 2016 which also covered this news.
Later, afraid of getting her thesis cancelled, she wrote what her teacher wanted: “All credits goes to Almighty Allah.”
Advocate Rabindra Ghosh of Bangladesh Minority Watch and the team visited Sylhet on 26th August, 2016 and met with Bithi Debnath who narrated her painful ordeal and the discriminatory behavior of Prof. Shamiul Islam
The Hindu student said that since she protested to write the secular word God she was given low marks and she became unsuccessful in her examination and secured third grade although she was a meritorious student in her educational so far.
She also expressed disappointment with the attitude of her teacher who discriminates on the basis of religion. Despite repeated attempts by the Bangladesh Minority Watch, Prof. Shamiul Islam did not reply to their questions.
The student hopes that her case would lead to society open its eyes towards discrimination that happens with minority Hindu students in Bangladesh. Here is the video of her explaining the issue to the Bangladesh Minority Watch team.
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