By Namta Gupta
Our auras often represent more than we know or would like others to know. Auras tell us about our personality traits and the good and the bad and the ugly stage of the thoughts we carry. Anyone who can read auras will know what the other person is going through.
My aura is Pink; it is the aura that stands out for its healing effect. I now know why I have so many friends who come to me for advice, announced my chirpy friend. Now, I do hate to burst anyone’s bubble but I did tell her that if the Pink in the aura is too light then it may represent non-serious attitude and childishness as well. Anyways!
What my understanding is that the auras are a colorful announcement of one’s personality and they are not stagnant; auras do change with experience or spirituality. They just become what we have become or what we are.
For example, Red color aura can be mostly found in business class or those who are into material and physical pursuits more while Blue signifies a communicator, and Royal Blue signifies a passionate and powerful communicator who can move people through the power of speech. In fact, the light and dark version of one color may have an altogether meaning altogether. Here are the major aura colors and their meanings:
- Silver: It is one of the rarest of aura colors. Mostly only Siddhas or Gurus or reincarnated people who mastered the power to communicate with the spirits or the ghosts have this color aura. Sparkling Silver aura means surrounded by spirits who are communicating on an everyday basis while a dull Silver may represent a person prone to psychic attacks.
- Gold: This is the color of higher consciousness or higher self. This aura is often found on those who are spiritually inclined and are meditating to purge negative influences. A lighter version may represent budding spirituality while a stronger Gold aura may represent a person who is still fighting the spirituality that his soul yearns for. The tussle between the soul and the mind is best understood through a darker Gold aura. The Hindu Gods are often depicted with a Gold halo or strong Gold aura to signify supreme consciousness. Communion with them is rare and the drops of their divinity lead to the Gold aura of a person. In short, Gold is the aura that anyone would attain after connecting with the Supreme Soul or Brahm. However, a meditator may decide to undertake a more nuanced role and at that point, his aura may start developing Purple hue.
- White: Another rare aura color that one may achieve only after a prolonged meditative state. This meditation is often focused on self-cleansing and with no other goals in mind. The White aura people have no attachments or desires left. They are people who walk in pure consciousness and deny any indulges. The ultimate result of such meditation is often Moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
- Green: This aura is the color of fertility and also represents love for nature as well. The Green aura people love to love. They take good care of their emotions and enjoy healthy relations as they are caring and giving. This is the color of Anahata Chakra or the Heart Chakra. They are the kind souls who the people gravitate towards due to their kindness and are very easy to talk to. They are great listeners and when they do talk they always have calm, soothing, and measured words to soothe frayed nerves. This is the hue of people who do not want to merely ‘spread’ positivity or love for nature but rather embody these principles and do not leave them even in the most excruciating circumstances. The Light Green may represent a flirty person while the Forest Green may represent a thoughtful and serious communicator who may be able to understand the needs of Earth as well because his consciousness is well connected to her. The darker version of Forest Green may represent a plain and simple person happy with his daily life and not willing to move out of his comfort zone. Lime Green Aura is the mark of a person who stands in between cheerful happiness and calmness. These individuals are great observers and usually do the heavy-weight work without fuss. It is a great mix in the aura colors to have, however, it is the starting stage and more needs to be done.
- Black: This is the color of domination or someone who is prone to override the opinions of others. A person who has been suffering from illness for some time and has lost all hope or someone with depression, dark thoughts, suicidal tendencies, and hysteria usually may develop a Black aura. Sometimes in an extreme state of impotent helplessness and anger, one’s aura may turn Black or it could mean someone being possessed and made to do something that his soul is fighting against. Dictators, criminals, and those who are cruel to animals often have this aura.
- Lavender: This is the aura of a peaceful person who loves to have fun and frolic around. Lavender represents a person who is in love with his people and surroundings. In the state of blissful happiness, a person’s aura may turn Lavender. It also may represent that a person is in the pursuit of magnificence or grandeur but for that, he will only take the honest path.
- Blue: TV hosts, writers, politicians, writers, artists, or musicians usually have color Blue as their aura. This is the color of the Fifth Chakra or the Visuddha Chakra. The people with this aura are harbingers of change through their ‘voice.’ Light Blue aura represents a budding orator while a darker version that may resemble black may represent resentment, tension, with regards to vocalizing thoughts.
- Brown: This aura represents a devilish streak or a streak of worry in an otherwise able person. This aura represents a powerful but able person who needs to contain his or her anger and resentment issues. This person may have experienced some loss or grief lately and maybe plotting revenge. Such a person needs counseling immediately if the aura reader catches Brown aura in time.
- Grey: This aura represents the struggle with regards to usage of his power as he may be fighting back his temptation to use power for negative goals. A person may be in a constant battle if the aura stays. Such a person needs moral lessons or Dharmic guidance to immediately correct his path or he may succumb to temptation and may not be able to correct himself later. It is important to state here that a person with Grey aura has more chance of correction as all his senses are not out of control as were the cases of those with Black and Brown
- Red: Most of us have this aura at least at some point in time. It is the color of passion, vibrancy, desires, and also shows a person’s power to manifest. The First Chakra, Muladhara Chakra, which represents material success is represented with color Red. However, due to overriding ambition or lack of values, a person’s Red aura may deteriorate to a darker hue and it may even turn repulsive blood Red. This repulsive Red aura is the sign of a person who can work on impulses and may lose sight of his goals. He may become prone to violence, abuse, and may get addicted to drugs, gambling, meat, cruelty, alcohol at a great cost to his near and dear ones. Lighter Red auras may represent a lack of discipline in attaining goals.
- Yellow: Ah! The color of radiance and sunshine. The Third Chakra ‘Manipura’ is represented with yellow color. It is the color of power and self-discipline that goes with it but with a positive streak. It is also the aura of those happy souls who live life King Size even as a Pauper. Yellow is the color of a bright and cheerful person who is likely to get attention while doing literally nothing. A person with this aura may be just an ordinary person but the power he possesses may be such that one automatically likes to associate with them. The lighter version of this color may mean a person graduating to the higher state of bliss soon while a darker version may mean that a person while pretending to be his happy self is still inundated with some worries but will soon overcome.
- Purple: This may represent a person who is wealthy provided it is the treasure of ‘wisdom’ one is after. Sahasrara Chakra, the Crown Chakra, or the seventh Chakra is often depicted with the color purple. This aura also means a proven connection with the Gods, Higher spirits and even non-human beings. This aura develops after the higher spirits starts seeing a person as a divine being or a mortal who possesses divine goodness. It is likely that such a person is quiet and shy but also highly spiritual in his/her day to day life. The person with this aura will be able to see beyond established Dogmas and strive to better his Karma. Such a person may have the ability to not just empathize but rather talk to and understand flora, fauna, humans and others. This person may also be on the path of attaining several Siddhis/powers even while doing nothing special because most of these prized gifts are just Karmic rewards achieved after a fiery trial of several lifetimes. The Purple aura people are the human workers for Gods/Goddesses and love Gods/Goddesses unconditionally and vice versa. Their love is so powerful that they may agree to take birth after birth to help mankind for the sake of helping Gods/Goddesses. The lighter hue of Purple may represent a kind spirit who is under tutelage before taking on the role ordained for him/her by the Gods/Goddesses while darker Purple may suggest anxiety driven by the Siddhis/powers. The darker aura may represent fear of Siddhis as the person may feel undeserving of the love and the gifts of the Gods.
- Saffron: You may have seen Hindus adoring this special color. It is the color of the Second Chakra ‘Swadhisthana.’ This color aura represents blissful awareness and yet being detached. It is the color of mercy, supreme kindness and deeper spiritual awakening. Those with Saffron aura have the supreme bliss right inside them and need nothing more. Such people often make excellent teachers, listeners, and singers of devotional songs. An acquaintance with such a person is a prized connection as his ultimate goal is Moksha. Such a person is like a butterfly in the big garden called the world who sees all but takes only the nectar. Saffron aura person will aim for Moksha/Mukti alone and may not pay heed to siddhis/powers. Orange aura or the lighter version of Saffron is the sign of a creative, innocent, and honest soul who sees goodness all around. But he sees outwards and neglects the bliss that is right inside him. On discovery, of this seed of bliss, he may turn inwards and his aura will turn to Saffron. Darker Saffron may represent pride in spirituality and is the biggest bane in one’s spiritual growth. It may also hint at more life cycles for the person to humble him and to release this pride.
- Pink: The Pink aura people have empathy for all life forms. These are the people who heal with their care and touch. They may also believe in the power of natural remedies and could be into animal welfare or volunteer in life-threatening situations. With frequent good karma, they may soon attain some long-lasting fame at some level as their karmic rewards. These people bring light in the darkness and won’t stop working even at a great cost to themselves. The darker Pink may, however, represent a person obsessing over perfection in healing. Such a person needs to loosen up. The lighter Pink aura person is just developing his interest in the ‘caregiver’ fraternity and may soon shine bright but such a person needs to develop a serious interest or he won’t be able to achieve full potential.
- Cyan: This one belongs to a person who is in a perpetual meditative state of mind. Such a person may be caring and maybe a very powerful speaker, yet he chooses to remain silent for the sake of either study or meditation. Such aura men and women become historical assets for human knowledge as they create long-lasting spiritual practices. These people due to their silence may not be able to become too big a name in their lifetime but as global consciousness and spirituality develop, they become celebrated as Gurus or avant-garde philosophers or champions of the future. The problem with Cyan is their lack of belief in their own spiritual growth. They may be constantly negating that they attained anything and such a person may also develop depression over time. Appreciation and guidance are a must for people with this aura as their work is essential for all of mankind.
- Rainbow: A Rainbow aura person is one with many talents and he may be very good at nearly all of them. This one is most suited to artists, painters, writers, and journalists who often delve into deep emotions or position themselves in situations before expressing them in their work. Lighter Rainbow aura may represent a nasty fellow filled with pride over his gift or abilities while a darker color may represent a person who has many vices and may use his talent to fulfill them. A balance in their lives is often missing hence, daily meditation and yoga is a must for people with these two auras.