Hearing phone ring in dream? Wondering what it means?

Number 811, Angel Number 811, Number 811 meaning, Angel Numbers , wish fulfillment

If there are no external stimuli then the phone ring in a dream is the sign of the beginning of spiritual awakening.

Sometimes the ring is so powerful that the dreamer may awake as if someone pushed him to open his eyes.

The phone ring in a dream is like an alarm; get up and hear the sound of the Supreme Soul. Such calls usually come around the Brahm Muhurat or around 4 to 5.30 am.

This is the time when the spiritual powers are at their peak and they try to wake up a person through what they perceive would awake the person urgently. We can also call them a ghost phone ring, if we hear the sound but let’s say the phone is switched off.

Ghost or phantom phone rings even happen to powerful spiritual people when they are awake and alone but are not concentrating on the message of the Supreme Soul. Sometimes one may hear mobile rings but sometimes a person may hear landline telephone rings as well. Basically, it is just to draw a person out of his/her slumber and tell him to heed the voice of the Supreme Soul.

Most of the time, these people have been seeing Angel Number 786 but are still clueless or are not trying to take steps. So the Supreme Soul, to wake the person to his limitless possibility, uses this means.

Phantom phone rings or ghost phone rings happen to tell people to meditate and focus on their life purpose all over again.

These calls would continue for some time to gauge the person’s response but would stop if the Devas or the Spirit Guides find you unwilling to move on from the situation. Ghost phone rings or phantom phone rings also happen when the person’s soul has requested a divine intervention as the mind has taken control over all the senses making a person prone to jealousy, violence, cruelty, apathy, procrastination but the soul is resisting and has sought divine help.

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Meditation, Surya Namaskar, and walks in nature will help clear the mind of the person and prepare him up for the spiritual awakening ahead. Phantom phone rings are just a connection request, it is up to you to either take it or leave it. But do not be afraid.

Namta Gupta