New Delhi, September 23, 2022: As on date, all Unmanned Level Crossings stand eliminated on Indian Railway Broad Gauge network. Pace of elimination of Unmanned Level Crossings increased from 1137 per year during 2009-14 as against now achieved average of 1884 per year during 2014-19.
During Financial Year 2022-23, 216 Manned level crossings have been eliminated so far till the end of Aug-22 against a target of 1000, which is 10% higher as compared with the progress achieved during FY 2021-22 during the same period. Closure of Manned level crossings during 2014-22 has been 676 nos. per year as against 199 nos. per year done during 2009-14 period.
With a view to accelerating the task of elimination of Manned level crossings, various measures such as change in policy to fund 100% elimination works by Road over/under Bridges and fixing priorities for improving railway’s operations (especially Golden Quadrilateral/Diagonal routes and 160 Kilometers per hour identified routes) are being undertaken.
While the cost of work of construction of ROB/RUB was hitherto being shared equally by Railways and concerned State Government, recent changes in the funding paradigm has allowed either party to bear full cost of constructions depending upon their requirement. To speed up the progress funds allotment has been enhanced to Rs 6500 Cr against Rs. 4500 Cr. of previous FY 2021-22 (an increase of 44%).
Construction of Road over/under Bridges (ROBs/RUBs):
Road over/under Bridges are being constructed in lieu of level crossings as part of elimination of level crossings. Progress of construction of Road over/under Bridges during the period 2014-22 achieved is 1225 nos. per year which is 61% higher as compared to 763 nos/year during 2009-14. During the current FY 2022-23, 250 Road over/under Bridges have been constructed till Aug-2022, which is 5% higher as compared to FY 2021-22 for the same period.