A former Iraqi politician belonging to the much-persecuted Yazidi religious group has blown the lid off the silent but sly conversion tactics of Iraq administration.
Activist Vian Dakhil was interviewed on Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) on April 30, 2019 where she said that the Iraqi government is registering the children of Yazidi women, who were raped by ISIS members as Muslims, even though it is often said that ISIS does not represent Islam and that ISIS members aren’t real Muslims.
This video interview was translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and published on its website. The scathing attack highlights the abusive streak of the Iraqi government that is tormenting already persecuted community that has faced genocides after genocides for being of a different faith in the Muslim-dominated region.
Vian also said that the children that are registered as Muslims cannot be accepted into the Yazidi faith and society, and ‘that there are many cases in which Yazidi women have given their children to orphanages or did not return to the Yazidi community because of the children.’
Dakhil also said that while these women could move to another country and register the children under their name, the Iraqi government should change the Personal Status Law and other laws so that the state can recognize the children as Yazidis if they are brought up in Yazidi society.
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She also said that the international community must intervene to protect these women and children.
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