Malaysia, June 14, 2016: After Malaysia Hindu Dharma Mamandram launched a police complaint against the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) over parts which had anti-Hindu portions , the university has tendered an apology.
The apology issued by Prof Ir Dr Wahid Omar, UTM Vice Chancellor reads:
“On behalf of UTM I would like to express our utmost regret and deep remorse for the lack of sensitivity on the part of our lecturers teaching the TITAS subject. We are currently conducting a thorough investigation on this incident, and due action will be taken as necessary. We are truly sorry for what has happened.”
In one of its teaching modules the Malaysian university had made provocative claims about Hinduism and Sikhism which are minority religions in Malaysia.
The teaching module in question had shown Indian Hindus as unclean and dirty and also said accumulating dirt on their body was a part of achieving Nirvana.
It also claimed that it was Islam that taught Indian Hindus as to how to live ‘properly.’
The module made some weird claims about the evolution of Sikhism as well and said that Guru Nanak did not understand Islam completely.
After the slides became public, Hindu anger erupted leading to Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan issuing a public statement denouncing the university and wrote on Facebook:
“Not as a politician or a deputy minister but as a Malaysian I was really disappointed about the UTM TITAS misrepresentation of certain religions. I can’t help but feel only someone who wilfully and purposefully filled with ill intent would produce such a document.
If that is the case then I urge the university authorities to investigate and take strong stern action against them.
Also I’d like to request the Higher Education Ministry to please ensure that all public universities TITAS syllabus is first verified by experts in the religion before being included in the syllabus.
This will ensure such painful experiences are not repeated.”
Malaysia has been in news for wrong reasons of late due to Hindu Temple desecration and also due to advice of a senior cleric who asked the non-Muslims to dress ‘conservatively’ during the month of Ramadan.
This is the module that caused the uproar: