The weekly briefing done by the Ministry of External Affairs’ official spokesperson on May 2, 2019, was a lively one and also bad news for Nirav Modi.
When the reporters sought answers on the extradition of Nirav Modi, the answer was rather precise.
MEA official spokesperson told reporters that:
“I think I have something. In the case of Nirav Modi the case is now listed at the Westminster Court. Nirav Modi appeared before the court on 29th March during which he made a request for bail. The bail plea was rejected by the Judge. Now the judge has also decided that the case will be listed by the court on 30th May 2019. ”
On Vijay Mallya, again, the MEA official spokesperson was very precise.
Speaking to reporters he said:
“On Vijay Mallya, you are aware of the background that the Secretary of State has already ordered his extradition and this happened on 3rd February. A high court judge subsequently refused permissions to Mallya to appeal against this decision and a decision on Mallya’s application for leave to appeal is to be taken by the High Court. Here again I would like to reiterate that the government of India with the active support of the High Commission and other agencies concerned, we are taking all steps necessary to bring back Vijay Mallya to India at the earliest. ”
Records relating to the investigation into the Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi case burnt?