New Delhi, June 11, 2020: The majestic Asiatic Lions have made a roaring comeback in Gujarat’s Gir forest.
The population of the Asiatic Lion, living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest, has shot up by almost 29% and geographically speaking, the distribution area is up by 36%.
Lion population in Gujarat has been steadily rising due to community participation, emphasis on technology, wildlife healthcare, proper habitat management and steps to minimise human-lion conflict.
However, the 15th Asiatic Lion Population Estimation that was scheduled during 05-06 June, 2020,has not been conducted as planned due to Coronavirus spread.
Population structure of Asiatic Lions in the Asiatic Lion Landscape (June 2020):
Adult Male Lion: 161
Adult Female Lione: 260
Sub adult Male Lion: 45
Sub adult Female Lion: 49
Cubs: 137
Unidentified: 22
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