Seeing yourself married to an unknown person is one dream to watch out for as it often is the first clue of either your suffering or any type of addiction that is making you too dependent or vulnerable. Seeing yourself married to a very good-looking person is often a sign of someone thinking of you […]
Tag: Love
Angel Number 2210: Completion of old cycles as soulmate arrives
Number 2210 represents the completion of all old cycles that have to be over before the ultimate love or soulmate arrives. 2210 speaks of old ways or the approach ending and a new one taking birth in a love connection. If the speaker is manifesting someone actively and has eyes and heart for only this […]
Number 312 meaning: Total clarity on Manifestations is coming!
Number 312 means that something stuck has become unstuck after a very long time. Number 312 is the sign for those seeking to begin partnerships with like-minded people who will join hands for mutual benefit. This number also speaks of love, union, and partnerships with chosen few who are on the same path. Number 312 […]
Handicapped dreams meaning: Unlocking true potential!
Handicapped dreams are fairly common. Often people see themselves or their near ones handicapped in dreams. But why do handicapped dreams come? Handicapped dreams usually appear as the sign of the soul feeling stifled or distressed due to events in waking life. In other words, these handicapped dreams could be seen as a sign or […]
Purple feather Meaning: Your heart is connected to the Supreme Power!
Purple feather is all about the spiritual oneness that a seeker shares with the Supreme Soul. This seeker has earned the faith of the highest and the purest energy and has been rewarded with unlimited access to the thought process and the minutest of works like how karma works etc. by the Supreme Soul. Purple […]
Number 121: Keep faith alive in your darkest moments
Number 121 holds a unique message for those using techniques of the law of attraction. Lord Ganesha says that it means that the wishes requested will arrive but remain patient. Number 121 seen in a dream or in a vision state also means that the lack of ‘good fortune’ is troubling the manifester. And this […]
Rudraksha dream: Each face holds a unique message for the seeker
Rudraksha dream holds great importance in the spiritual journey of the person. Those using the law of attraction usually see this in lucid visions and dreams when they are ready to reap the harvest energetically. The face of rudraksha means mukhi in Hindi or the number of lines on it. Here is what each face […]