Very rarely do we ‘see’ phantom feathers. But some on the spiritual journey do see them in various settings. Phantom feathers, as I said, appear rarely and when they do, they appear only for those who deny their spiritual roots and demand ‘proof’ before finally diving into spirituality head-on. Now, who ‘exactly’ are these folks […]
Tag: Twin Flame
Orange feather meaning: Your anxiety reaches the highest and the most sacred!
An orange feather hints at rising creative and sexual energy within a person. The color may appear of saffron hue. This sexual or creative energy may have been dumbed down due to any number of reasons. Swadhishthana Chakra is getting empowered and if you saw the orange feather while visualizing your love/partner, then know that […]
Blue feathers: Meaning and important messages for seekers
Blue feathers convey deep thoughts and meaning for those on the spiritual journey. Blue feathers are the signs of the Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra’s energy coming out which would make a person’s voice sweeter and commanding. Blue feathers are also a sign of the ‘heaven’ that all is well in the communication deportment […]
Green feathers meaning: Expect changes in the near future!
Green feathers usually mean abundance in matters of heart and wealth in general. Seeing or receiving green feathers in dreams often means a major goal is becoming reachable for the person. Now, which goal is it? The best way to discern this is by asking yourself this in a meditative state and you will get […]
Number 713: Time to ace the next level of success
Number 713 means that life or an opportunity is coming a full circle and a new height/level of achievement will be heading the person’s way soon. Number 713 or 7.13 (seen on clock or timers repeatedly) is the sign of the Universe informing the person that a strong partnership between the Supreme Soul and the […]
Lord Krishna dream meaning: Great happiness, and awakening enters your space
Lord Krishna dream is seen by many across the globe as he has devotees in nearly all realms. Lord Krishna is considered a Master or a Teacher to the mighty Pandavas and also others. Lord Krishna’s avatar’s whole life was a service to justice and Dharma. The message of Lord Krishna was of love, and […]